New Road Church of Christ

Coming Events

where has the road you have chosen taking you

Meeting Times

9:30 AM Sunday Bible Classes
10:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship
5:00 PM Sunday Evening Worship
6:30 PM Wednesday Evening Worship and Bible Classes

Recent Sermons

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New Road Church of Christ Members

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New Road Church of Christ offers a variety of outreach programs to enrich the lives of our members and the world.


New Road Church of Christ is committed to missions worldwide funded by "faith promise offerings."

Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries and Action Groups meet monthly for a meal and fellowship.

Ladies' Ministries

Ladies' Ministries include a Ladies' Bible Study and various service projects in the church and community.

Youth Ministries

Youth Ministries include Vacation Bible School and a variety of youth programs to deepen our youth's faith.

Faith Promise

A Faith Promise commitment is between God and me. It is a confidential promise that I make to God and God alone. If unable to meet the commitment, I need only to tell God about it.