Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School at New Road is an annual event. It is held every summer and is coordinated by our pulpit minster, our youth minister, and our education department leader. It is usually held on a Saturday from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and is for ages 4 through 4th grades. A different theme and lessons are decided upon each year.
All members, fifth grade thru adult, have an opportunity to help with VBS through teaching, decorating classrooms, supplying items needed, helping prepare snacks and lunches, supervising outdoor activities, and much more.
Youth Program
Our youth group is composed of all students in the 5th through 12 grades. Our purpose is to compel a young generation to cherish Jesus Christ and extend hope to the world He died to save.
There are many activities offered for 5th-12th such as devotionals and meals every other Sunday evening known as “Meet and Eat”; lock-ins and campouts offered in the summer; Summer Bible Camps, Mission Trips and Youth Work Days.
Bible classes are offered for all students Cradle Roll through 12th grade every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.
Every Sunday evening, those in Pre-K thru 4th grade participate in “Bible Bag” lessons. These are conducted by our minister, in front of the auditorium, after the evening announcements. Students in Pre-K thru 2nd grade are then dismissed to our “Children’s Bible Hour” class, while the older students remain in the auditorium for worship.
“Guardian’s Bash” takes place on the first Sunday a.m. of every quarter. It is for all students, Pre-K thru 12th grade. This is a program designed to honor our youth for their accomplishments in Bible reading, Bible memory work, Bible class attendance and community service.